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Safeguarding Level 1/2 (Adults and Children)

Safeguarding Level 1 and 2: Recognising the Signs and Understanding the Responsibilities & Procedures for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and Children. Fulfilling Responsibilities & Procedures for Safeguarding. 1.5h Course (English)

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Safeguarding Level 1/2 (Adults and Children)
Safeguarding Level 1/2 (Adults and Children)

Time & Location

08 Mar 2023, 18:30 – 20:00


About the Event

Course Summary

This is a unique interactive online course for people works with vulnerable adults, children or their families. It is essential to have the appropriate knowledge of how to safeguard them from harm.

Here you would have a safeguarding level 1 & 2 adults and children Level 1 training course that raise raises awareness of adult safeguarding and the key responsibilities for those individuals who work with vulnerable adults, children or their families.


The Aim of this course is to ensure dental professionals understand their responsibilities and recognise procedures for Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and Children

· To provide learners with an understanding as to why safeguarding measures are required.

· To look in-depth at signs of neglect, abuse and harm

· To provide learners with an understanding of the devastating effects on children, vulnerable and their families

· To look at understanding the dental professional’s responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of patients

· To provide learners with an understanding of practice protocols and procedures

· To ensure laws, acts and measures which surround safeguarding are understood.

Objectives: Learners will be able to-

· Define a vulnerable adult/ child

· Understand the term ‘Looked After Child’.

· Understand the GDC and CQC standards

· Recognise the signs of neglect, abuse and harm

· Assess patients correctly and raise concerns when necessary

· Understand who might get abused and who might be an abuser

· Understand the affects and effects/ likelihood of a person being abused

· Understand the role and responsibilities of the dental team for safeguarding

· Understand why we need safeguarding measures in place

· Understand how to assess and raise a concern when required

· How to refer safeguarding concerns within multidisciplinary teams in a timely manner

· Understand the role of safeguarding and the safeguarding team

· Define and establish practice paperwork to support safeguarding procedures

· Ensure there is a robust recruitment system in place

· Understanding the laws surrounding safeguarding for children & vulnerable adults

As a GDC registrant you must take appropriate action if you have concerns about the possible abuse of children or vulnerable adults.

Standards for the Dental Team states:

8.5.1 ‘You must raise any concerns you may have about the possible abuse or neglect of children or vulnerable adults. You must know who to contact for further advice and how to refer concerns to an appropriate authority such as your local social services department.’

8.5.2 ‘You must find out about local procedures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults. You must follow these procedures if you suspect that a child or vulnerable adult might be at risk because of abuse or neglect.’

‘Vulnerable adults’ means “a person above the age of 18 years who is or may be in need of community care services (including healthcare) by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who is unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation.” 1

Role Intended:

· Dentists,

· Dental Therapists

· Dental Technicians

· Clinical Dental Technicians

· Important for overseas qualified dentists who wants to work in the UK as a dentist

· Dental students would get benefits by attending this course

CPD Hours:

1.5 h

Subject areas:

Treatment planning, patient exam, diagnosis & management (A, D)

Pre-course material:

No pre-course reading material is required.


Should you have any enquiry regarding this course please contact


Dr Mishaal Gill

PgCert Ed, MFDS RCS (Edin), BDS

Clinical Lecturer in Urgent Dental Care, Honorary Clinical Lecturer with Barts Health NHS Trust

Mishaal Gill completed her BDS from University of Manchester School of Dentistry, 2013. Having concluded Foundation Dental Training in the North West of England, went on to complete Dental Core Training (DCT1, DCT2 and DCT3) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Mishaal has notably trained at Aintree University Hospital and Alder Hey Childrens’ Hospital. Her professional career has also involved teaching as an Honorary Clinical Teaching Fellow at Leeds Dental Institute for the Restorative and the Emergency Dental Department. This teaching involved supervision and facilitating safe, supportive, learning of undergraduate dental trainees. Having completed work across Primary, Secondary and Tertiary care Mishaals’ work also covered the provision of Special Care Dental Services in Lancashire and Merseyside.

She has passed Postgraduate examinations in order to become a Member of The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh. Mishaal has completed a PGCert in Clinical Education in order to provide constructive evidence-based education.

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