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Anterior Direct Composite Restoration

Techniques to restore anterior teeth - Postponed

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Anterior Direct Composite Restoration
Anterior Direct Composite Restoration

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Dental Institute, Whitechapel, London , E1 2AD, UK

About the Event


This CPD Course is postponed due to COVID-19 outbreak. 

The new date for this course will be announced once the situation is clearer. 

Please reserve your place and will keep you updated.

Note: Payment will only be taken once the course is confirmed and you are still happy to attend. You will not be charged when reservation your fee. 

Anterior Direct Composite Restorations

Course summary: Introduction to simple techniques to restore anterior teeth, resulting in an aesthetic restoration for Foundation dentists, Dental Therapists, and Overseas qualified dentists intending to take registration exams.

Aim & Objectives: 

Clinical indications for restoration Anterior Teeth,

Understanding better the process involved in treatment planning anterior composite restorations

How to fabricate and correctly use silicone indexes.

Build knowledge and skills and technical ability of composite placement, 

Using simple layering technique to restore anterior teeth,

Finishing and polishing techniques

Management and prevention of composite failures.

Opportunity to use different matrixes such as sectional matrix system

Tips and advices

Leaning Outcomes:

1. To be able to understand the importance of taking an accurate shade.

2. Be able to take a shade.

3. Understand the principles of multi-shade layering technique to restore anterior teeth using a putty matrix,

4. Identify the indications for anterior composite restoration,

5. Improving knowledge and technical ability of the use of composite restoration

6. Improving minimally invasive techniques

7. Learn important tips and advice involving the use of rubber dam and matrixes

8. Lear important factors related to layering technique to restore anterior teeth,

Subject areas: Restorative Dentistry

CPD Course hours:




B. Chana


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