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*Please note, by signing up or registering to any of our courses, you automatically agree to our Terms and Conditions.

Work as a dentist in the UK

In the UK, General Dental Council (GDC) is responsible for dentists and their team registrations in order to see patients. UK qualified dentists would get their registration automatically, yet overseas qualified dentists need to obtain the registration via General Dental Council (GDC).
The registration is then dependent on the applicant circumstances, such as qualifications and residency. General Dental Council (GDC) provides full and temporary registrations. The most common way for obtaining full registration for those dentists that are not accepted as exempt person, is to clear “Overseas Registration Exam” (ORE) or “Licence in Dental Surgery” (LDS) exams.
Overseas Registration Exam (ORE) is taken by UK General Dental Council (GDC). The suggestion is to visit the General Dental Council (GDC) and see the required documents and conditions for registration before making any decisions.
Licence in Dental Surgery (LDS) exam provides by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Clearing this exam would also enable you to treat UK patients.
Dentists should be aware that having a full registration with General Dental Council (GDC) does not mean that a person has the licence to work in the UK. Permission to work in the UK is regulated by Home Office. A number of dentists cleared their exams and obtained the General Dental Council (GDC) full registration but had to leave the UK as they could not satisfy the Home Office rules and regulations to get the work permission.
Overseas qualified dentists/doctors who are unable to work as a clinician, or who are seeking GDC/GMC registration, but who are nonetheless permitted to work in the UK may be able to teach students. This could be in virtual or face-to-face sessions with appropriate reimbursement, flexibility and respect.
For more information please send us your request to enquiry@ukdentalcourses.com